Wasps on Trial

I want to talk about one of the most “notorious pests” around, feared by many, deadly to some, with hundreds of dollars spent to find ways to kill them… wasps! These amazing creatures have long gotten a “bad rap.“ Most people are highly afraid of this insect. People become judge, jury, & executioner in one fatal swat. However, aren’t we suppose to have a chance to face our accuser and a chance to plead our case? Sadly, wasps cannot tell their side of the story, nor can they express their purpose for “being“, so allow me.


Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.


I believe this is the first scripture I had ever learned. I can’t say I really understood it in it‘s entirety, but I knew the first part said that a righteous man cared about the life of his animals, and I had no intention on being wicked so the second half never really mattered to me at that point. What mattered is I felt a need to care for (and defend) all animals because Yahweh gave us dominion over the animals and like I quoted Christopher Brown in my last post, “My Calling and Purpose” 

The dominion that God desires is one that protects the defenseless and gives justice to the oppressed.

Most people have the idea that if it can cause you any pain, a creature should be killed. No questions, no reasoning, except, “It hurt me, therefore it must die.” This is the “way of the world” in it’s wicked fallen state. But think about it, if we treated all of Creation that way, the planet would be empty. All living things have the possibility to cause harm and pain, or they can be respected and admired for their God given usefulness. The way WE approach these things is what determines the outcome.


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People tend to only think “wasps equals stings.” Have you ever considered it from the wasps point of view? The reason wasps tend to sting so often is because they are very protective and they live in close proximity to humans, who tend to kill wasps and destroy their nests out of fear. Wouldn’t you defend your home against attack or the chance of attack? Wasps are not mean or angry, they are simply protecting their home and their children, this is an instinct that lives in most creatures in Creation.


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Like most, my dad had no time for wasps anywhere around the property. He would quickly knock down wasp nests and kill them without a second thought. Thankfully he is open minded enough to change.

One day, I was helping Dad out in his garden when I noticed a wasp buzzing around one of his webworm infested pecan trees. I watched the wasp land on the web and it began cutting through with great efficiency, burrowing deep to get to the worms inside. I saw that she was not alone in her task, there were many wasps doing the same thing. Each time one resurfaced, they had a webworm in their jaws. They were taking them to feed their own offspring. I looked around throughout the garden and noticed more wasps hunting in pairs, circling plants, weaving up and down to pick up scents with their antennae, the perfect strategy. When they found their prey, the “kill bite” was direct and clean. They would then go perch on a nearby leaf, to chew the insect into “baby food” for their larvae. I had to show my dad when was going on all around us. He was equally as impressed. Since that moment, he has “hosted” two large nests of paper wasp under the eaves of the porch that runs parallel to his garden. These wasps have become his garden sentinels, clearing not only the pecan trees of pests, but the garden as well. He even brags to others about them, showing the nests to company, and telling others how beneficial wasps are to his garden.


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~ Austin


© Austin Husband and “Canvassing Creation”, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Austin Husband and “Canvassing Creation” with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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About Austin Husband

I am a nature enthusiast, nature photographer (in training), budding author who wants to capture as much of this wonderful planet as I can, via photographs.

Posted on June 25, 2014, in Insects, Nature and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Jack Kendrick

    Well done.

  2. Reblogged this on Oh Happy Daze – Back to Basics and commented:
    Another great blog from my son about beneficial insects!

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