My Calling and Purpose

I remember as a young boy of four or five, standing up to my grandfather who had dumped a bucket of tadpoles onto the ground to kill them, believing they were mosquito larvae. I was sad for the tadpoles and very angry at him. I even said a few angry words to him, although my mother scolded me I felt I had to speak my mind.

Tadpole Crossing

“Tadpole Crossing”

That is my earliest memory of defending the creatures I love.

As time went on and I grew older, I began researching different creatures that most people looked on with distain. Wasps, grub worms, maggots, vultures, black widows…these were some of the creatures I delved into. All of these things have a purpose, all were created for a reason, I desired to know what it was.

Proverb 16:4 Yahweh has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the honor of Elohim to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.

The Bible clearly states everything has a purpose, it is our honor, as kings and priests unto Yah (Rev 1:6), to search it out! If the Word of Yahweh (God) says it, then that settles it!

Rain Drop Reflection

“Rain Drop Reflection”

In Genesis, after Yahweh finished His work of creating, each day He looked at what He had just finished and said, “it was good.” He was pleased with His work of creating and He put mankind on the planet to help keep it in the way He intended it. Many think that God put us here to conquer earth and bend it to our will. The words “subdue and have dominion” seem harsh words in our language but I admire how Christopher Brown puts it in his blog post Genesis 1:28, To “Subdue” and “Have Dominion Over” Creation.

The dominion that God desires is one that protects the defenseless and gives justice to the oppressed. Applying this to the command for humanity to exercise dominion over creation, we can see that while we rule over creation, we’re called to protect it. As a king accepts tribute or taxes from his subjects, so too we receive a bountiful sustenance from the fruits of creation. Yet also as a king should take care of the weak and poor in his kingdom, so too we are called to guard natural beauty, preserve endangered species of God’s creatures, and even to restore the places which we have too often ruled “with force and harshness.”

The purpose of my blog is to capture the beauty of Creation in photos and share them with my readers. My hope is that this blog will renew a love for nature and Yahweh’s creation in the heart of the people. I want to encourage people to nurture and care for our planet. I desire to do my part to help get things back into the natural order Yah had intended instead of the chaos that has become the “norm.” I long to see nature balanced once again. I pray I can make others see purpose in all things, to help others love the unlovable.

Along the way I have had (and will have) supporters and detractors, allies and opposition but through it all I hold steadfast to my resolve to stand up for the Yahweh’s (God’s) creation, I feel it is truly my calling. I know Yahweh has given me a different outlook on things than most people, it is my gift and I do not plan to waste it.

~ Austin

© Austin Husband and “Canvassing Creation”, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Austin Husband and “Canvassing Creation” with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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About Austin Husband

I am a nature enthusiast, nature photographer (in training), budding author who wants to capture as much of this wonderful planet as I can, via photographs.

Posted on June 17, 2014, in Spiritual and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I really enjoyed reading this and looking forward to learning more of what Yah has shared with you. This was great. Keep it up!

  2. Reblogged this on Oh Happy Daze – Back to Basics and commented:
    An awesome post from my son, Austin of the blog
    “Canvassing Creation”

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